Blue Rainfall ~ Anumita Sharma Emotes words alive!


I had stopped you then..

The driving torrent, last night
that tumbled about the awning,
in blazing hailstorms-
could pause over me
like clouds of luminous mist
and I could trust their shelter

I could float in thunderclap
with the leisure of a dream
hearing it, in all disparities
as if they were keynotes
from a symphony,
visceral yet cosmic

In the constant rumble
of water, however
I only heard
your conclusive high note
fading down the tarmac

And then,
A mammoth shaft,
brightened the sky
It transformed a moment
into sunset or sunrise?

I let you go now…

I can see all hurt years
washed clean
the life I’d thought
forever closed, spreading out
its pictorial vista, with sheen

I can look up
at countless raindrops
scent a taste of piety
as they fall over me
in their witching hour gaiety

I can explore
an infinite space
among multiple galaxies
between two eternities –
one caught and cherished
yet already past
and the other,
sneaking behind dark lights?

Or perhaps,
nothing is past
what was, will be
keeps flourishing
about treetops
and it is all
one great scroll
of blue rainfall

Anumita Sharma is a versatile Author who loves writing prose in poetry and poetry in prose. She has written 4 Books- 99 moon Avenue, Kuch aap biti kuch jagbiti, Some very dignified disclosures, The curse of yesterday.

Twitter: @adagio_aria

Instagram: @anumitasharma

Facebook: @CurseofYesterday  


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